Monday, March 20, 2006

How was YOUR weekend?

My weekend was great, I got lots done and had some fun doing it. Kind of one of those ones that I didn’t want to end BUT at the same time I REALLY wanted it to end so that I could get to this week. I hate waiting for things…even things like exams, I’d rather just get them over with and deal! SO this week we find out about whether we get back into the classroom, if these F*@%ing teachers can come to an agreement they will let us get our semester done! So I find out about that today, and I don’t really know what to expect when we do finally get back. I was talking to my bro who’s also in College, and he thinks that teachers should bend over backwards for us, since they wasted our time. I really don’t think we’ll get any leeway, I mean most of my teachers don’t even know the word leeway!!! IF they come to an agreement, we will be back in the classroom 3-5 business days…that would be Thursday, I am supposed to have an exam in that class, that was supposed to be the week they started the strike. SOO will we have that exam, should I prepare…My bro said that NO he wont make us do it because of the time between when it was supposed to be and now…BUT I really think that my teacher will look at it and say that we had 2 ½ extra weeks to study! And basically give us the exam! Things like that and projects that were due, are they all due when we get back or will everything be pushed forward? AHHH I hate wondering!!!!!!

As well as that, my boyfriend finds out about another job. AND he has to get dental surgery! It’s for his wisdom tooth, which I know personally can be bad! When I had all four of mine pulled they had to cut open my mouth and break them out…since they hadn’t even broken the surface yet. Then on top of that I had 2 infections from the open wounds they left. My body is weird, I don’t fight infection well. Even If I get a paper cut it gets infected! It’s annoying I’ve tried EVERYTHING, I’m a very clean person so I know it’s not cause of something like that. I’ve tried EVERY antibacterial spray/rub/ointment out there and STILL I get infections! If anyone has a suggestion for me that would be great! I personally think it’s my immune system though….when I get sick I get really sick, and take a long time to get better!! Ok back to my boy toy, he only has to get one pulled cause of a cavity and because it’s pushing on his molars and is causing pain….SO his recovery time should be better. That’s not till Friday though, so I have to worry about it all week!

I have a feeling this week is going to go reallllyyy slowly!

OH and FUCKSHITPISS stupid strike! We had to cancel our Cuba trip. My boyfriend’s dad officially made other plans last night. So instead we’re going to have a fun weekend…but no sunny Cuba! :( For my boyfriend and me it was more about having a family get together, since his family all lives 8 hours away from us. BUT it wouldn’t have been cool to do that in Cuba on a beach, don’t you think? Lol…BUT at least this way his sister will bring D, her son….if we went to Cuba her husbands mom was going to take him for the week. He’s not even a year yet, so Cuba wouldn’t have been the place for him! This way we get to see him too!!! So I’m happy!

Anyway I could talk forever here, BUT I will save some for another post!
Have a good one everyone!


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