Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
1. I have always wanted my own Thursday Thirteen but didn't know how to make it! I guess the link at the bottom might have been a clue!!! :)
2. I LOVE sour cream...If I can have it on something I have LOADS of it!
3. My favourite colour is BLUE! Right now my room is Blue...and I love it!
4. When I lived at home my mom wouldnt let me paint my room blue, cause it was a boys colour! So my room was Yellow! Cause I wasnt girly enough to paint it pink.
5. I wish it was summer so I could retreat to my Cottage!
6. I used to HATE going to the cottage, but now I can understand why its nice to get away from the City...even if its just for a weekend!
7. I JUST got Engaged.... :)
8. I can't decide who to put in my wedding party....Its a really hard decision to make! I wish someone would make it for me.
9. I secretly let people make decisions for me. One friend knows this... No one else does!
10. I love the show Girlfriends. Its my replacement for Sex and The City!
11. I wish I was thinner!
12. I want to have children....NOW!
13. I love things like this!!!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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you're getting married its time to start making your own decisions you know!!!!
i feel the same about the cottage:)
i used to hate going-it was so boring, now i cant wait for those 2 weeks in july for cottage time :)
..it was so boring cuz you couldn't drink....
Yeah, the best time was when we went up with our small collection of alcohol....OK so it was a COOLER FULL of alcohol...and OK so we started drinking at 11am...BUT FUCK was that a good time!
haha we'll have to plan a girls "planning" weekend at the cottage and do that again!!
happy birthday-hope you have a great day :D
omg that would be soooo much fun!!!
hello, where are you? everything ok? paris have her puppies yet?
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