Love Is A Choice You Make From Moment To Moment.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Simple As That!!!

How could ANYONE hate these adorable shoes??
Seriously, 6 months ago, seeing these shoes would set me off. I HATED that people were wearing garden shoes (or hospital shoes ) out in public! I mean, ok, kids they looked cute on…BUT adults! No! I had a few girls that wore them to class, and I would laugh every time I noticed them wearing them!
But NOW? I have crossed over to the colourful side! I am….a CROC wearer!!
Yes….BUT my only argument is that I only got them for the cottage!!
...Then I came home and wouldn’t take them off…..I’m HOOKED…they are the BEST shoes…Colourful! Fun! Comfy! CUTE!...need I say more? I want them in ALL colours!! And I beat myself up for not getting more!!! Stupid, STUPID me…100 pairs of crocs….ON SALE….in ALL colours! And I bought 1 PAIR!!!

Mine are the CUTE pink ones! hehe!
My two cousins had them for a while...they are kids, and swimmers so they wear them to meets....Then my friend and I got a pair....Then my mom and aunt had to have a really we are all croc freaks now!!
AND to explain...the little do-dads on the crocs are croc jewelery!! Cool eh! My friend and I got my cousins some Jewels and my mom got them some in Florida...and we got one froggie for my mom! Cause we love her! SO they have even cooler decorated crocs....
Thats it, thats all! Night Night!
Friday, October 13, 2006
People miss me?
What what?...Now I really feel special!
Sorry for taking SO long to update, I’ve been avoiding writing about the absolute boredom that is my life!
But I guess there’s no time like the present to get it all out!
Nothing much is new….My man is still working afternoons, so I am STILL always alone. He’s also working a morning job every once in a while to get some extra funds in the bank. I think he’s crazy, BUT he’s happy being busy! And it’s not that often, so it’s ok I guess!!
As for me, things are alright. I still like my job! Today I even got to sit in on a meeting. Mind you I didn’t say anything, expect “Hi…Hello….yeah…hhmm….oh I know….good point…good idea…OK BYE :)” It was still fun though, I think I was just sort of shell shocked…Next time I will do better…I PROMISE!!
Last weekend was Thanksgiving, which was great! We went to the cottage, and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!...we shopped a bit too…lol…BUT telling you all about that will have to wait, because there are people that read this blog that MIGHT be getting a gift and I don’t want to spoil anything!!!
I’m so glad its Friday! BECAUSE….DRUM ROLL PLEASE…..hehe…TONIGHT my two ladies and I are getting together for THE FIRST wedding planning get together for the wedding!!!! OMG I’m sooo excited! It’s going to be fun! We’re ordering dinner in, chatting about the wedding, maybe having some wine…and really just talking wedding stuff!! YAY I cant wait!!!
On another note!!...I am almost 100% sure that I only want two ladies in my wedding party. See I have this one best friend, we’ve been close for almost 12 years now, and she’s my MOH. Then I have two friends from high school that I’ve known for about 9 years now, and I wanted to include them. SO I talked to them both, kind of to get a feel for things. And BOTH were excited, but the one said “I won’t mind if you don’t have me, it’s what YOU want” and we haven’t chatted about it since. The other lady obviously is the one that’s already in my wedding party, and she was VERY excited! I asked her a few weeks ago.
BUT I’m having second thoughts about the left over one. NOT that she’d be bad, NOT that I don’t want her personally…Its just that I really only want two….does that make me rude for bringing it up to her? I mean I didn’t ask her, I said I was thinking about people, and I thought she was an idea, since we’ve known each other so long…So really its not like I’m UN-Asking her! But is that still kind of rude?? TELL ME!!!
Anyway that’s all for now…I’m going to get something to eat for lunch! Have a good weekend everyone!
What what?...Now I really feel special!
Sorry for taking SO long to update, I’ve been avoiding writing about the absolute boredom that is my life!
But I guess there’s no time like the present to get it all out!
Nothing much is new….My man is still working afternoons, so I am STILL always alone. He’s also working a morning job every once in a while to get some extra funds in the bank. I think he’s crazy, BUT he’s happy being busy! And it’s not that often, so it’s ok I guess!!
As for me, things are alright. I still like my job! Today I even got to sit in on a meeting. Mind you I didn’t say anything, expect “Hi…Hello….yeah…hhmm….oh I know….good point…good idea…OK BYE :)” It was still fun though, I think I was just sort of shell shocked…Next time I will do better…I PROMISE!!
Last weekend was Thanksgiving, which was great! We went to the cottage, and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!!...we shopped a bit too…lol…BUT telling you all about that will have to wait, because there are people that read this blog that MIGHT be getting a gift and I don’t want to spoil anything!!!
I’m so glad its Friday! BECAUSE….DRUM ROLL PLEASE…..hehe…TONIGHT my two ladies and I are getting together for THE FIRST wedding planning get together for the wedding!!!! OMG I’m sooo excited! It’s going to be fun! We’re ordering dinner in, chatting about the wedding, maybe having some wine…and really just talking wedding stuff!! YAY I cant wait!!!
On another note!!...I am almost 100% sure that I only want two ladies in my wedding party. See I have this one best friend, we’ve been close for almost 12 years now, and she’s my MOH. Then I have two friends from high school that I’ve known for about 9 years now, and I wanted to include them. SO I talked to them both, kind of to get a feel for things. And BOTH were excited, but the one said “I won’t mind if you don’t have me, it’s what YOU want” and we haven’t chatted about it since. The other lady obviously is the one that’s already in my wedding party, and she was VERY excited! I asked her a few weeks ago.
BUT I’m having second thoughts about the left over one. NOT that she’d be bad, NOT that I don’t want her personally…Its just that I really only want two….does that make me rude for bringing it up to her? I mean I didn’t ask her, I said I was thinking about people, and I thought she was an idea, since we’ve known each other so long…So really its not like I’m UN-Asking her! But is that still kind of rude?? TELL ME!!!
Anyway that’s all for now…I’m going to get something to eat for lunch! Have a good weekend everyone!