So I’m DONE! I finished at about midnight last night, or rather that’s when I submitted my last school project EVER!!! OMG it feels so good! Right now it’s 11 am, I just woke up about half and hour ago, and am still in my PJ’s!! I LOVE THIS!!
Mind you, it’s only going to last today and maybe I can sleep in tomorrow morning! THEN next week is very hectic. Monday, I’m work cloths shopping because I only have a few nice work outfits, Tuesday I’m getting all my things organized for Wednesday and Thursday because I have sort of a training and orientation for my new job. The girl that was doing my job up to now was on co-op and is heading back to school the week I start, so they wanted me to meet her, and have her explain things to me and help me get things organized a bit. I’m kind of nervous about this all…only because they have high expectations, and with my sort of low self esteem, I think I’ll fall short of what they want! I guess time will only tell.
You know what I was thinking, I’m more excited than anything about the fact that I might get to have a real work Christmas party this year. I really hope they do that, I mean large companies still have them….right?? I went with my good friend Rocks to her Christmas bash last year, and it was SO FUN! I hope she still wants me to come again this year, because her work really knows how to treat employees with a good time! And I really had a great time just hanging out with her!! Other than hers, I’ve never been to one really. My work placement this past Christmas had one, but it was a dinner at a restaurant and it was fun, but it wasn’t a real Christmas party….SO I’m looking forward to this Christmas!!
That’s It that’s all….I’m drinking with my man tonight, to celebrate all that deserves celebrating!!!
Love Is A Choice You Make From Moment To Moment.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sorry to my few readers for my absence.
I’m in my last few weeks of school…I’ve had a million assignments and tests! And on top of that I was in the middle of finding a job!
GOOD NEWS THOUGH!!!! I GOT ONE!!! I got a great job, a great paying job, and I’m MEGA happy! It’s going to be wicked! It’s a large company, I get great benefits, and it’s something I could stay at for a while. Right now I’m up in the air about staying there for a long period, since it’s an engineering company and I’m graduating in Architecture. But I know a few people now that worked at engineering companies and loved it!…So it’s still going to be fun. I’ll update about the job once I’ve worked a bit.
Other than that, not much is new. 2 weeks left of school! 3 weeks till I start my new job! And 9 months 6 days until we get MARRIED!!! Hehe!! I CAN’T wait. SO many people are getting married right now…and on top of that SO many people are getting pregnant! I can’t wait to be a mother!!! But that will be a while, since I’m young, and we’re not 100% financially set! And financial security is the ONE thing we won’t break on before we have children! That and a safe secure home. We want to have a house before we have children, but with my man starting a new 5 year apprenticeship in the city, looks like renting or leasing is more likely! Unless we buy a house sooner than later and live in it while fixing it up…then sell it when we move. Arg lol that’s too much to deal with right now! We’ll figure that out later!
Anyways….Off to bed, I have LOTS of homework to get done tomorrow!! Ciao!
I’m in my last few weeks of school…I’ve had a million assignments and tests! And on top of that I was in the middle of finding a job!
GOOD NEWS THOUGH!!!! I GOT ONE!!! I got a great job, a great paying job, and I’m MEGA happy! It’s going to be wicked! It’s a large company, I get great benefits, and it’s something I could stay at for a while. Right now I’m up in the air about staying there for a long period, since it’s an engineering company and I’m graduating in Architecture. But I know a few people now that worked at engineering companies and loved it!…So it’s still going to be fun. I’ll update about the job once I’ve worked a bit.
Other than that, not much is new. 2 weeks left of school! 3 weeks till I start my new job! And 9 months 6 days until we get MARRIED!!! Hehe!! I CAN’T wait. SO many people are getting married right now…and on top of that SO many people are getting pregnant! I can’t wait to be a mother!!! But that will be a while, since I’m young, and we’re not 100% financially set! And financial security is the ONE thing we won’t break on before we have children! That and a safe secure home. We want to have a house before we have children, but with my man starting a new 5 year apprenticeship in the city, looks like renting or leasing is more likely! Unless we buy a house sooner than later and live in it while fixing it up…then sell it when we move. Arg lol that’s too much to deal with right now! We’ll figure that out later!
Anyways….Off to bed, I have LOTS of homework to get done tomorrow!! Ciao!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Visitors, Interviews, Projects! Oh My!
My week has started off very hectic. Firstly we have my rents-in-law-to-be over, that’s always fun. We really miss then, they live about 8 hours away!
BUT lol…we’ve succeeded to burn the toaster, as well as burn one of my favourite cutting boards and break one of our casserole dishes….seems to me we’re kind of jinxed!! Such is life!
Other than that, I had my two interviews. One on Monday and one on Tuesday, both went well…BUT I felt kind of like they were both asking me why I was there….I applied, because I need a job! Why did YOU post a job?! Obviously you didn’t need me to come all this way to tell me that Architecture isn’t the same thing as engineering…I KNEW THAT!! WHY DIDN’T YOU? SO I guess I can wait and see…that’s not so horrible, both said they would get back to me by Friday…I’m kind of waiting for bad news….Guess I need to apply for jobs with a closer description to what I really want!
My week has started off very hectic. Firstly we have my rents-in-law-to-be over, that’s always fun. We really miss then, they live about 8 hours away!
BUT lol…we’ve succeeded to burn the toaster, as well as burn one of my favourite cutting boards and break one of our casserole dishes….seems to me we’re kind of jinxed!! Such is life!
Other than that, I had my two interviews. One on Monday and one on Tuesday, both went well…BUT I felt kind of like they were both asking me why I was there….I applied, because I need a job! Why did YOU post a job?! Obviously you didn’t need me to come all this way to tell me that Architecture isn’t the same thing as engineering…I KNEW THAT!! WHY DIDN’T YOU? SO I guess I can wait and see…that’s not so horrible, both said they would get back to me by Friday…I’m kind of waiting for bad news….Guess I need to apply for jobs with a closer description to what I really want!
I’ve realized that this week has been kind of a huge funk. I was in a bad mood, am not getting enough sleep, and basically just don’t want to try at all at school! On top of that, EVERYONE is trying to make me be friends with the chick that I don’t like….wtf…she’s a bitch, HOW am I the ONLY one that sees that!
On a good note, we’re heading to the cottage for the long weekend…I have tons of homework, but don’t have any plans to do it! I want to tan, drink, and RELAX!
Since my man’s rents are in town, there was lots of wedding talk. Last night we talked about tux’s….I cant wait to see my handsome man in a tux…OMG sooo hot…I’ll post pictures of the type we’re going with soon! I know exactly what type he’s going to wear! It’s SUCH a nice suit!
Anyways….more wedding talk later….I need to get back to class!