Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
1. Spring seems to be break-up time….or the time when people get restless and bored! I thank god for the security I have in my relationship!!
2. I can’t wait to get married.
3. I wish the drama would end for my friend and her boyfriend. I’m getting sick of the break-ups!
4. I have a slight dislike for cheaters….lol!
5. I miss my family….I’m only 45 mins away but still don’t feel like I see everyone there.
6. I wish there was a Tuesday 12…so that I could write this earlier in the week when I think of things!
7. I am very sad lately….which is weird for me…BUT I just feel like nothing is going my way!
8. I wish I was in Cuba right now….like I was supposed to be!
9. I want a dog or a cat! I miss my pets! And HATE living where I can’t have one!
10. I can’t…AND I MEAN CAN’T…wait to be done school!!!!
11. I don’t know who’s going to be in the rest of my wedding party….it seems like no one really wants to. I feel like I stepped up to the plate for my friends wedding…and am waiting to see if I get the same! I really don’t think I will.
12. I really hate Mullets….they look HORRIBLE!!! lol on ANYONE!!
13. My Fiancé had a mullet when he was a kid….haha I couldn’t even pretend not to laugh at that picture! It was TOO funny!!!!
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hey man there's a tuesday 12 if you make one!!!
dude i think you picked the wrong time zone for your blog its actually 10:43 am....
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