Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
1. Today I have nothing to do, and I plan on staying in these PJs ALL DAY!!
2. I still wish I was married right now!.
3. I miss my old friends! I saw an old friend last night, and it just brought back so many high school memories! I wish I was back with her and my other best friend…then I would be happy!
4. I have a stag and doe to go and setup to this weekend! It should be fun!...NOT the set-up part, the partying part!
5. I watch A Baby Story and A Wedding Story religiously! Sometimes 8 episodes a day! Is that Sad?
6. My Fiancé wants us to move to where his family lives. I love it there, BUT could I live there??? It’s 8 hrs away from my family and it’s kinda not close to anything! But its really nice there, and its cheaper to live. Hmmm???
7. Lol yeah I’m not moving there…I’d miss my friends and family WAY TOO much! Who am I kidding?
8. I have ANOTHER canker…this time it’s on my tongue…BUT what am I stressed about?? Possibly the wedding planning? But I don’t feel stressed about it, we’re getting lots done and it’s WAY early! Hmm possibly it started last week from the drama of my friend….yeah that’s prolly it…that was annoying! And the drama of coming back and having to make awkward conversation with her!
9. Today I’m making Potatoe Soup….I hope its good!!
10. Yesterday I ate McDonalds. Anyone that knows me, knows I don’t ever eat McDonalds! It was GOOD…BUT I felt gross all night from it! Once every blue moon it’s worth the tummy ache… But not that often! I can’t eat it anymore until after our wedding…I know it’s a year or so away, BUT I have to fit into a gorgeous dress! And I don’t want to not fit!
11. I found the song that I was looking for…It was – When the Stars Go Blue – By Tim McGraw. It’s a really nice song!.. “Dancing In Your Wooden Shoes…In A Wedding Gown!” hehe I love that part!
12. Right now I wish my Fiancé was home….Its really rainy outside and I feel like cuddling up and watching a movie! I hate these long boring days when everyone else is busy but me!!
13. I was told this past week that I’m ready to have children and I would make a great mother!!! That makes me smile. I can’t wait to have children!
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good luck with the wedding
re: moving?
sometimes a fresh start in a new place is a good thing
lol if you think you're bored now wait till you move there and there is literally nothing to do
Kelly- Thanks!
And I know, we'll be moving no matter what, its just a matter of where.
Rocks- I know that! Thats what I was thinking!
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