Love Is A Choice You Make From Moment To Moment.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I wont be able to post much this weekend, so I thought I would post something now!
This weekends going to be busy. My boyfriends family is coming to visit! I'm really excited, they havent seen our new place since I moved in (he already lived here) and we re-did a bunch of things! And we've also got alot planned! The 6 "kids"... I say kids, cause thats what my boyfriends mom and dad calls us! But really we're all adults, his sister and her husband, his brother and his girlfriend/my college roomie and my man and I.....are all going to see Blue Man Group on Friday night! I'm really excited, I've always wanted to see Blue Man Group and Cirque De Soleil! Cirque will have to wait, BUT one day I'll get to see it! So then on saturday we're all going shopping and then at night we're getting together with My parents, my oldest brother and youngest brother and his girlfriend, for dinner. lol should be a big crowd...BUT I'm so excited to get our families together again! Then Sunday I unfortunatly I have to leave for a couple hours....unfortunatly cause I have to leave the family and "our" baby go to my good friends Bridal Shower!! I am actually very excited about it, cuase I'm in her wedding party and we're throwing this shower, I can't wait to see her face! It's going to be great!!!
So thats really it, monday everyone leaves and its going to be back to quiet and since I'm putting the books away all weekend! prolly not smart since we've been ass crammed from this whole strike thing...BUT who cares I'll catch up later!!! Atleast My boyfriends girlfriend (my old roomie) is in my class so we'll atleast both be behind!!!
Anyways thats it, thats all! Nothing else is new!
OHHH WAIT....My doggie Paris is due next week, sooo I will hopefully be posting pics here soon!! We dont know how many there are, BUT I felt atleast 3 moving around in there. My mom thinks there are 4-6....but since she only had 2 last time ( with one still born) we'll see. Although my mom says they did better this shes a hoochy! and she know how to "DO IT" right now apparently!!! hahah GO PARIS AND TUCKER!!!
This weekends going to be busy. My boyfriends family is coming to visit! I'm really excited, they havent seen our new place since I moved in (he already lived here) and we re-did a bunch of things! And we've also got alot planned! The 6 "kids"... I say kids, cause thats what my boyfriends mom and dad calls us! But really we're all adults, his sister and her husband, his brother and his girlfriend/my college roomie and my man and I.....are all going to see Blue Man Group on Friday night! I'm really excited, I've always wanted to see Blue Man Group and Cirque De Soleil! Cirque will have to wait, BUT one day I'll get to see it! So then on saturday we're all going shopping and then at night we're getting together with My parents, my oldest brother and youngest brother and his girlfriend, for dinner. lol should be a big crowd...BUT I'm so excited to get our families together again! Then Sunday I unfortunatly I have to leave for a couple hours....unfortunatly cause I have to leave the family and "our" baby go to my good friends Bridal Shower!! I am actually very excited about it, cuase I'm in her wedding party and we're throwing this shower, I can't wait to see her face! It's going to be great!!!
So thats really it, monday everyone leaves and its going to be back to quiet and since I'm putting the books away all weekend! prolly not smart since we've been ass crammed from this whole strike thing...BUT who cares I'll catch up later!!! Atleast My boyfriends girlfriend (my old roomie) is in my class so we'll atleast both be behind!!!
Anyways thats it, thats all! Nothing else is new!
OHHH WAIT....My doggie Paris is due next week, sooo I will hopefully be posting pics here soon!! We dont know how many there are, BUT I felt atleast 3 moving around in there. My mom thinks there are 4-6....but since she only had 2 last time ( with one still born) we'll see. Although my mom says they did better this shes a hoochy! and she know how to "DO IT" right now apparently!!! hahah GO PARIS AND TUCKER!!!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Man I didnt even realize I havent posted in so long!
I'd like to say I was busy with life....but in reality it was more that I just didnt have anything to tell. I still dont! I'm back at school finally, but its proving to be harder than we all thought. We missed about 3 weeks of school. SO their idea of fixing that is cramming 7 weeks of class into 5!!! And also taking out a few of our class projects, not any of the big ones just in-class submissions or small assignments. EXCEPT that those are all worth marks...and to make up for those marks they add those marks to previous something that was worth only 4% before might now be woth 8% of our mark. Now that doesnt seem like alot, but IF i had known about this I would have tried harder on all of those. I mean I did try hard, BUT this one teacher likes things done HIS way, and I dont because FUCK i'm in a design course...he says DESIGN YOUR OWN BUILDING...THEN says ohh no thats WRONG!!!!! OMG how is a personal design of a FUCKING box WRONG!?!!?!?!? ok ok I keep getting mad about anywyas IF I had done them MORE for his fucked personal liking I could have done better. Which seems wrong, and isnt me, BUT since I need the marks I would totally do it! Oh well....cant do anything about it now....I can just complain here lol!
So other than that class I havent heard from other teachers....I've got an easy week back...One class yesterday, none today, one on thursday and one on Mondays are my only hard days and we didnt have to be there!
So since I have ANOTHER day off, I'm heading home to pick up some summerish things, its really nice out!! AND I just found out that my mom has my dads BRAND SPANKING NEW Mustang!!! mmmmm So we're going to go out and drive I love my mom!
I'll post again to those of you who might care!!!
Here's a Questionnaire to keep you happy in the mean time!
No one HAS to do it...I dont even know why I did it....I dont even know where I got it from, I got it a week ago and kept forgetting to post SORRY whoever I stole it from!!! Rocksandchairs YOU have to do this!!!!! hahahahahah I don't know how to link ok thats the best I can do!
1. Given a homeless guy more than $5? No…I’d much rather give a homeless person food or drinks than actual money! I like to know what its getting spent on!
2. Spent more than $500 on a bf/gf's gift or a night out? No…close though, $350 on a ring.
3. Had sex with more than one person in a day? No!
4. Hooked up with a good friends bf/gf behind their back? No I would never do that!
5. Dated two people at once? No....damn I’m starting to sound a little boring!
6. Actually met someone from the internet that you didn't know before? Haha NO…I’m too scared to do that kinda shit!
7. Been raped? No
8. Failed more than one class? Never failed anything! I got 51 once in a math class…BUT that’s still a pass!! And I learned my lesson! Pay Attention!.
9. Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? Nope…
10. Hooked up with someone from a different race? ...My boyfriends half Native…that’s got to count!
11. Ran around naked outside in the daytime/night time?…I don’t have the guts or the body to do that!
12. Scuba dived? No…lol I’m afraid of what might eat me in the ocean!
13. Snorkled? Yup, all the time at the cottage!
14. Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet? Ha-ha Yeah…one guy! Ok wait 2…BUT the one I wasn’t dating…it was more that I was seeing him and he kept asking me out (Don’t tease it was high school, we did the asking out thing back then!!) the other was a boyfriend that my friend never met! I knew she wouldn’t like him!
15. Got your stomach pumped from alcohol poisoning? Nope!
16. Threw up from alcohol? Yes! Lol Stupid drunk!......
17. Been suspended from school? ....Nope...
18. Kissed someone of the same sex? I was drunk and I’m sure it was an accident. hehehe
19. Wore a short skirt with out panties? No….lol someone might see something.2
0. Let a guy paint your toenails? ...Uhh no…finger nails tho…and that didn’t go too well!.....
21. Met someone famous? …The Prince of Spain…he’s famous!!...He was my uncles best man in his wedding…it was cool the paparazzi was there and everything!
22. Saved someone's life?...No…but I know CPR so I could!!!
23. Seen someone die? .....No…And I hope to never!
24. Killed someone? No
25. Been in a physical fight? No! I’m afraid of getting hurt! My best friend and I used to wrestle a lot like brothers do…it was funny, we’d have bruises everywhere!
26. Hooked up with someone 10yrs older or younger than you?…I’m dating someone 6 years older than me tho! Close enough!
27. Been arrested? ...NO! I’m too much of a good girl!
28. Spent the night in jail? No!
29. Been in more than three car accidents in a year? No…thankfully!!
30. Had sex outside? No….I'm afraid to get caught!
31. Given or gotten road head? No…does a road hand job count tho?
32. Had sex in your house when your parents were home? ...yeah once…ONCE and that was enough…I’m paranoid!
33. Had phone sex? No….a little dirty talking, but not actual phone sex!
34. Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene "down there"? I find out before I commit to doing anything “down there”…Thankfully I have a very hygienic boyfriend!! Some guys are SICK!
35. Watched the donkey show? Wtf is the donkey show??
36. Had sex without a condom? ...Yes…but I’m safe! And it wasn’t with just anyone!
37. Had a one night stand? No….and wont ever!
38. Triple Kissed? no
39. Had sex on the beach? No! damn those old people interrupting! haha joking! We didn't have the time to try!
40. Watched porn with someone else? yea
41. Been fired from a job? Nope!
42. Danced on top of a bar? No! lol I’m a stupid drunk, but I’m wont go that far! People might boo me!
43. Had sex somewhere in your high school? Naw…lol I wasn’t into that in highschool!
44. Bought a vibrator? ...Bought myself one, NO…Had fuckers buy me them,YES…It would have been funny now, BUT a 16 year old virgin getting a giant vibrator and a giant rubber 12incher seemed a little wrong!!... I was too grossed out to enjoy them!
45. Been in a porn shop? ....yeah!...
46. Been in a dance competition? I was in ballet as a child so yeah I was!
47. Had a threesome? No…and I won’t ever! I don’t like to share!
48. Spent more than one night in a hospital? No…thankfully!
49. ODed on a drug? No I don’t do drugs
50. Set a burning bag of poo on someone's front door step? No…haha who really has done that?
I'd like to say I was busy with life....but in reality it was more that I just didnt have anything to tell. I still dont! I'm back at school finally, but its proving to be harder than we all thought. We missed about 3 weeks of school. SO their idea of fixing that is cramming 7 weeks of class into 5!!! And also taking out a few of our class projects, not any of the big ones just in-class submissions or small assignments. EXCEPT that those are all worth marks...and to make up for those marks they add those marks to previous something that was worth only 4% before might now be woth 8% of our mark. Now that doesnt seem like alot, but IF i had known about this I would have tried harder on all of those. I mean I did try hard, BUT this one teacher likes things done HIS way, and I dont because FUCK i'm in a design course...he says DESIGN YOUR OWN BUILDING...THEN says ohh no thats WRONG!!!!! OMG how is a personal design of a FUCKING box WRONG!?!!?!?!? ok ok I keep getting mad about anywyas IF I had done them MORE for his fucked personal liking I could have done better. Which seems wrong, and isnt me, BUT since I need the marks I would totally do it! Oh well....cant do anything about it now....I can just complain here lol!
So other than that class I havent heard from other teachers....I've got an easy week back...One class yesterday, none today, one on thursday and one on Mondays are my only hard days and we didnt have to be there!
So since I have ANOTHER day off, I'm heading home to pick up some summerish things, its really nice out!! AND I just found out that my mom has my dads BRAND SPANKING NEW Mustang!!! mmmmm So we're going to go out and drive I love my mom!
I'll post again to those of you who might care!!!
Here's a Questionnaire to keep you happy in the mean time!
No one HAS to do it...I dont even know why I did it....I dont even know where I got it from, I got it a week ago and kept forgetting to post SORRY whoever I stole it from!!! Rocksandchairs YOU have to do this!!!!! hahahahahah I don't know how to link ok thats the best I can do!
1. Given a homeless guy more than $5? No…I’d much rather give a homeless person food or drinks than actual money! I like to know what its getting spent on!
2. Spent more than $500 on a bf/gf's gift or a night out? No…close though, $350 on a ring.
3. Had sex with more than one person in a day? No!
4. Hooked up with a good friends bf/gf behind their back? No I would never do that!
5. Dated two people at once? No....damn I’m starting to sound a little boring!
6. Actually met someone from the internet that you didn't know before? Haha NO…I’m too scared to do that kinda shit!
7. Been raped? No
8. Failed more than one class? Never failed anything! I got 51 once in a math class…BUT that’s still a pass!! And I learned my lesson! Pay Attention!.
9. Took someone's virginity when you weren't a virgin? Nope…
10. Hooked up with someone from a different race? ...My boyfriends half Native…that’s got to count!
11. Ran around naked outside in the daytime/night time?…I don’t have the guts or the body to do that!
12. Scuba dived? No…lol I’m afraid of what might eat me in the ocean!
13. Snorkled? Yup, all the time at the cottage!
14. Dated someone you didn't want your friends to meet? Ha-ha Yeah…one guy! Ok wait 2…BUT the one I wasn’t dating…it was more that I was seeing him and he kept asking me out (Don’t tease it was high school, we did the asking out thing back then!!) the other was a boyfriend that my friend never met! I knew she wouldn’t like him!
15. Got your stomach pumped from alcohol poisoning? Nope!
16. Threw up from alcohol? Yes! Lol Stupid drunk!......
17. Been suspended from school? ....Nope...
18. Kissed someone of the same sex? I was drunk and I’m sure it was an accident. hehehe
19. Wore a short skirt with out panties? No….lol someone might see something.2
0. Let a guy paint your toenails? ...Uhh no…finger nails tho…and that didn’t go too well!.....
21. Met someone famous? …The Prince of Spain…he’s famous!!...He was my uncles best man in his wedding…it was cool the paparazzi was there and everything!
22. Saved someone's life?...No…but I know CPR so I could!!!
23. Seen someone die? .....No…And I hope to never!
24. Killed someone? No
25. Been in a physical fight? No! I’m afraid of getting hurt! My best friend and I used to wrestle a lot like brothers do…it was funny, we’d have bruises everywhere!
26. Hooked up with someone 10yrs older or younger than you?…I’m dating someone 6 years older than me tho! Close enough!
27. Been arrested? ...NO! I’m too much of a good girl!
28. Spent the night in jail? No!
29. Been in more than three car accidents in a year? No…thankfully!!
30. Had sex outside? No….I'm afraid to get caught!
31. Given or gotten road head? No…does a road hand job count tho?
32. Had sex in your house when your parents were home? ...yeah once…ONCE and that was enough…I’m paranoid!
33. Had phone sex? No….a little dirty talking, but not actual phone sex!
34. Been turned off by someone's personal hygiene "down there"? I find out before I commit to doing anything “down there”…Thankfully I have a very hygienic boyfriend!! Some guys are SICK!
35. Watched the donkey show? Wtf is the donkey show??
36. Had sex without a condom? ...Yes…but I’m safe! And it wasn’t with just anyone!
37. Had a one night stand? No….and wont ever!
38. Triple Kissed? no
39. Had sex on the beach? No! damn those old people interrupting! haha joking! We didn't have the time to try!
40. Watched porn with someone else? yea
41. Been fired from a job? Nope!
42. Danced on top of a bar? No! lol I’m a stupid drunk, but I’m wont go that far! People might boo me!
43. Had sex somewhere in your high school? Naw…lol I wasn’t into that in highschool!
44. Bought a vibrator? ...Bought myself one, NO…Had fuckers buy me them,YES…It would have been funny now, BUT a 16 year old virgin getting a giant vibrator and a giant rubber 12incher seemed a little wrong!!... I was too grossed out to enjoy them!
45. Been in a porn shop? ....yeah!...
46. Been in a dance competition? I was in ballet as a child so yeah I was!
47. Had a threesome? No…and I won’t ever! I don’t like to share!
48. Spent more than one night in a hospital? No…thankfully!
49. ODed on a drug? No I don’t do drugs
50. Set a burning bag of poo on someone's front door step? No…haha who really has done that?
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Happy Dumbasses
Happy Dumbasses
Video sent by Mina
The chick is hilarious!

So anyways someone took the pic and made a bunch of funny pics from just made me laugh so I had to share it!!
And I hope everyone is having a better day than me! Atlease I have that pic to make me smile!
Monday, March 20, 2006
How was YOUR weekend?
My weekend was great, I got lots done and had some fun doing it. Kind of one of those ones that I didn’t want to end BUT at the same time I REALLY wanted it to end so that I could get to this week. I hate waiting for things…even things like exams, I’d rather just get them over with and deal! SO this week we find out about whether we get back into the classroom, if these F*@%ing teachers can come to an agreement they will let us get our semester done! So I find out about that today, and I don’t really know what to expect when we do finally get back. I was talking to my bro who’s also in College, and he thinks that teachers should bend over backwards for us, since they wasted our time. I really don’t think we’ll get any leeway, I mean most of my teachers don’t even know the word leeway!!! IF they come to an agreement, we will be back in the classroom 3-5 business days…that would be Thursday, I am supposed to have an exam in that class, that was supposed to be the week they started the strike. SOO will we have that exam, should I prepare…My bro said that NO he wont make us do it because of the time between when it was supposed to be and now…BUT I really think that my teacher will look at it and say that we had 2 ½ extra weeks to study! And basically give us the exam! Things like that and projects that were due, are they all due when we get back or will everything be pushed forward? AHHH I hate wondering!!!!!!
As well as that, my boyfriend finds out about another job. AND he has to get dental surgery! It’s for his wisdom tooth, which I know personally can be bad! When I had all four of mine pulled they had to cut open my mouth and break them out…since they hadn’t even broken the surface yet. Then on top of that I had 2 infections from the open wounds they left. My body is weird, I don’t fight infection well. Even If I get a paper cut it gets infected! It’s annoying I’ve tried EVERYTHING, I’m a very clean person so I know it’s not cause of something like that. I’ve tried EVERY antibacterial spray/rub/ointment out there and STILL I get infections! If anyone has a suggestion for me that would be great! I personally think it’s my immune system though….when I get sick I get really sick, and take a long time to get better!! Ok back to my boy toy, he only has to get one pulled cause of a cavity and because it’s pushing on his molars and is causing pain….SO his recovery time should be better. That’s not till Friday though, so I have to worry about it all week!
I have a feeling this week is going to go reallllyyy slowly!
OH and FUCKSHITPISS stupid strike! We had to cancel our Cuba trip. My boyfriend’s dad officially made other plans last night. So instead we’re going to have a fun weekend…but no sunny Cuba! :( For my boyfriend and me it was more about having a family get together, since his family all lives 8 hours away from us. BUT it wouldn’t have been cool to do that in Cuba on a beach, don’t you think? Lol…BUT at least this way his sister will bring D, her son….if we went to Cuba her husbands mom was going to take him for the week. He’s not even a year yet, so Cuba wouldn’t have been the place for him! This way we get to see him too!!! So I’m happy!
Anyway I could talk forever here, BUT I will save some for another post!
Have a good one everyone!
My weekend was great, I got lots done and had some fun doing it. Kind of one of those ones that I didn’t want to end BUT at the same time I REALLY wanted it to end so that I could get to this week. I hate waiting for things…even things like exams, I’d rather just get them over with and deal! SO this week we find out about whether we get back into the classroom, if these F*@%ing teachers can come to an agreement they will let us get our semester done! So I find out about that today, and I don’t really know what to expect when we do finally get back. I was talking to my bro who’s also in College, and he thinks that teachers should bend over backwards for us, since they wasted our time. I really don’t think we’ll get any leeway, I mean most of my teachers don’t even know the word leeway!!! IF they come to an agreement, we will be back in the classroom 3-5 business days…that would be Thursday, I am supposed to have an exam in that class, that was supposed to be the week they started the strike. SOO will we have that exam, should I prepare…My bro said that NO he wont make us do it because of the time between when it was supposed to be and now…BUT I really think that my teacher will look at it and say that we had 2 ½ extra weeks to study! And basically give us the exam! Things like that and projects that were due, are they all due when we get back or will everything be pushed forward? AHHH I hate wondering!!!!!!
As well as that, my boyfriend finds out about another job. AND he has to get dental surgery! It’s for his wisdom tooth, which I know personally can be bad! When I had all four of mine pulled they had to cut open my mouth and break them out…since they hadn’t even broken the surface yet. Then on top of that I had 2 infections from the open wounds they left. My body is weird, I don’t fight infection well. Even If I get a paper cut it gets infected! It’s annoying I’ve tried EVERYTHING, I’m a very clean person so I know it’s not cause of something like that. I’ve tried EVERY antibacterial spray/rub/ointment out there and STILL I get infections! If anyone has a suggestion for me that would be great! I personally think it’s my immune system though….when I get sick I get really sick, and take a long time to get better!! Ok back to my boy toy, he only has to get one pulled cause of a cavity and because it’s pushing on his molars and is causing pain….SO his recovery time should be better. That’s not till Friday though, so I have to worry about it all week!
I have a feeling this week is going to go reallllyyy slowly!
OH and FUCKSHITPISS stupid strike! We had to cancel our Cuba trip. My boyfriend’s dad officially made other plans last night. So instead we’re going to have a fun weekend…but no sunny Cuba! :( For my boyfriend and me it was more about having a family get together, since his family all lives 8 hours away from us. BUT it wouldn’t have been cool to do that in Cuba on a beach, don’t you think? Lol…BUT at least this way his sister will bring D, her son….if we went to Cuba her husbands mom was going to take him for the week. He’s not even a year yet, so Cuba wouldn’t have been the place for him! This way we get to see him too!!! So I’m happy!
Anyway I could talk forever here, BUT I will save some for another post!
Have a good one everyone!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Me A-Z ( Like DAWN stated :) , it's ZED since I live in Canada!)
Accent- I don’t have an accent.
Booze of choice- Sangria, Red and White Wine
Chore I hate- Cleaning the bathroom!! I hate doing that!
Dog or cat- I love both. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
Essential electronics- Laptop, Cell Phone and Camera!
Favorite perfume(s)/cologne(s) – I’m in love with soo many! Right now I wear Reaction and Haut Couture. For men, I love Swiss Army, Lacoste, and Chanel!
Gold or Silver? –White Gold!
Hometown- A small town near Guelph and Brampton…Currently Brampton for school
Insomnia? –Sometimes I can’t get to sleep. But I’ve never not been able to sleep at all.
Job Title – Student
Kids?- None. YET!
Living Arrangement-Living with my Boyfriend!
Most admired trait- lol I don’t know...
Number of Sexual Partners- One
Overnight Hospital Stays- None
Phobia- Spiders! But really BUGS in general!
Quote-" Blue roses will blossom in the snow, before I ever let you go, Blue roses will grow up to the sky, before I ever make you cry...” I love blue roses, my friend sent this quote to me or maybe it was part of a poem?
Religion-No specific religion, I believe in what I want to believe in.
Siblings- 2 brothers, one older one younger
Time I wake up- I get up at seven with my Boyfriend…and IF I fall back to sleep its til 9…that’s right now, since my teachers are all on strike!! When I have classes its usually 7.
Unusual talent/skill- I can draw….that’s not unusual…BUT its my skill!!!
Vegetable I refuse to eat- MUSHROOMS ewwwwwww!!!! It’s a FUNGUS, who wants to eat SHIT FUNGUS?!??!!?! Oh and Zucchini
Worst habit- I pick things…
X-rays-Too many to count! Never for a broken bone though…ONLY to find stones!!! Damn kidney stones!
Yummy foods I make- I make a mean Spaghetti sauce, REALLY good chocolate chip cookies, and Shrimp Fettuccini Alfredo! Mmmm now I’m hungry!
Zodiac sign-Aries
Accent- I don’t have an accent.
Booze of choice- Sangria, Red and White Wine
Chore I hate- Cleaning the bathroom!! I hate doing that!
Dog or cat- I love both. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat.
Essential electronics- Laptop, Cell Phone and Camera!
Favorite perfume(s)/cologne(s) – I’m in love with soo many! Right now I wear Reaction and Haut Couture. For men, I love Swiss Army, Lacoste, and Chanel!
Gold or Silver? –White Gold!
Hometown- A small town near Guelph and Brampton…Currently Brampton for school
Insomnia? –Sometimes I can’t get to sleep. But I’ve never not been able to sleep at all.
Job Title – Student
Kids?- None. YET!
Living Arrangement-Living with my Boyfriend!
Most admired trait- lol I don’t know...
Number of Sexual Partners- One
Overnight Hospital Stays- None
Phobia- Spiders! But really BUGS in general!
Quote-" Blue roses will blossom in the snow, before I ever let you go, Blue roses will grow up to the sky, before I ever make you cry...” I love blue roses, my friend sent this quote to me or maybe it was part of a poem?
Religion-No specific religion, I believe in what I want to believe in.
Siblings- 2 brothers, one older one younger
Time I wake up- I get up at seven with my Boyfriend…and IF I fall back to sleep its til 9…that’s right now, since my teachers are all on strike!! When I have classes its usually 7.
Unusual talent/skill- I can draw….that’s not unusual…BUT its my skill!!!
Vegetable I refuse to eat- MUSHROOMS ewwwwwww!!!! It’s a FUNGUS, who wants to eat SHIT FUNGUS?!??!!?! Oh and Zucchini
Worst habit- I pick things…
X-rays-Too many to count! Never for a broken bone though…ONLY to find stones!!! Damn kidney stones!
Yummy foods I make- I make a mean Spaghetti sauce, REALLY good chocolate chip cookies, and Shrimp Fettuccini Alfredo! Mmmm now I’m hungry!
Zodiac sign-Aries
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I wanted to be a part lf this whole HNT thing.... :)... BUT since I'm not about to show myself naked, or even partly naked...I thought I would show Jake Gyllenhaal partly naked!
I'll explain...I have a thing for men in the army! NOT ALL! But some men can pull off the army wear and shaved head. So since Jake was in Jarhead I thought I would put up a pic of him as a HOT army boy! Since he pulled it off SOO WELL!!! mmmm
I'll explain...I have a thing for men in the army! NOT ALL! But some men can pull off the army wear and shaved head. So since Jake was in Jarhead I thought I would put up a pic of him as a HOT army boy! Since he pulled it off SOO WELL!!! mmmm

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Doctors Fees and Crappy Bosses!
Today my boyfriend and I had to go get hep shots in case our trip is still on. SO many things sucked about this appointment. One it took us almost 3 cancellations to finally get there. First time, my boyfriend’s boss wouldn’t let him take the morning off. It made me so mad, ok they are busy right now I understand that, BUT FUCK, a week or so before the appointment he was like “Ohh just so you know on Wednesday I will be in to work a little late.” She basically said NO…plain and simple…NO…he didn’t expect this and was so mad at it that he just said “uhh ok” and left. I would have at least said why not!...But ohh well!...OK so then I made a new appointment, then a day or two before the appointment the doctors office called us and said that the doctor couldn’t make it in so we’d have to reschedule. COME ON! This doctor only works 2 days a week at this office so it’s hard enough to get the appointments. SO then finally we made a new one, and it was the day before and my boyfriend went in to REMIND his boss that he was going to be late this Wednesday, and went to leave so she couldn’t say anything. Good thing she said fine, BUT then she had the audacity to ask what it was for….WOMAN PAY ATTENTION! So he told her again that we needed to go see a doctor to find out what we needed for this trip and all that, we couldn’t just go to a walk-in clinic cause we didn’t know what we needed and didn’t want to pay $200 for something we didn’t need! I only needed Hep A since I got Tetnus and Hep B in grade school…where as my Boyfriend needed Hep A and B and Tetnus…If we hadn’t gone to see this guy we would have both paid for Hep A and B and been out on cash!
OK so then she has this dumb look on her face and was like what do you need those shots for….side note: he’s had this trip booked off from work for almost 1 year already!...So he reminds her about his trip that is on her calendar for time off, and GUESS WHAT…she said...“What? Oh no you cancelled that trip, I took it of the calendar a long time ago”…haha IF ONLY….I wish he would slap this woman, cause she’s actually soo horrible at lying that it hurts, she is the MOST conniving boss ever!. So since he’s a nice guy he only says, “No, I don’t know why you would think that, it was never cancelled” EVEN though we were thinking of postponing it because of my school, my boyfriend didn’t say anything to anyone yet! And even if he had said anything, this strike is only in week 2 and we didn’t know it would last until recently, SO WHY would he tell her it was cancelled! Ok cause HE DIDN’T! And on top of that she said its been off the calendar for MONTHS….GRRR I hate this woman!
Alright so that’s the whole problem with his boss and getting 2 hours off work!...she’s always been like this…From giving him the same thing for Christmas every year (a bottle of whiskey, and he DOESN’T DRINK!)… To apparently not being able to hand him a check for vacation pay anytime before our last trip! All they had to do was write it and sign it…but they said they couldn’t….that’s REALLY professional! F-ERS! They do everything and anything to screw their employees over!!!
Oh man sorry, I got off topic….so then after we got to this appointment, and got through it and got the needles, which I hate!!!…we had to pay!....FUCK…lol…I’m practically poor myself, I’m a student, I don’t have a part time job, and I have car payments…SO $105 for a freaking appointment and shot broke my bank!...and then on top of that….since I put it on my visa along with my boyfriends, it cost us $230…ahhh ALL FOR SHOTS!!! And he has to go back for 2 more doses… that’s $120, plus the Dr’s fee….AHHH!! Thankfully I only have to get one more dose do its only $60…and I don’t have to get it for 6 months! Yesh! This trip better be worth it!
Today my boyfriend and I had to go get hep shots in case our trip is still on. SO many things sucked about this appointment. One it took us almost 3 cancellations to finally get there. First time, my boyfriend’s boss wouldn’t let him take the morning off. It made me so mad, ok they are busy right now I understand that, BUT FUCK, a week or so before the appointment he was like “Ohh just so you know on Wednesday I will be in to work a little late.” She basically said NO…plain and simple…NO…he didn’t expect this and was so mad at it that he just said “uhh ok” and left. I would have at least said why not!...But ohh well!...OK so then I made a new appointment, then a day or two before the appointment the doctors office called us and said that the doctor couldn’t make it in so we’d have to reschedule. COME ON! This doctor only works 2 days a week at this office so it’s hard enough to get the appointments. SO then finally we made a new one, and it was the day before and my boyfriend went in to REMIND his boss that he was going to be late this Wednesday, and went to leave so she couldn’t say anything. Good thing she said fine, BUT then she had the audacity to ask what it was for….WOMAN PAY ATTENTION! So he told her again that we needed to go see a doctor to find out what we needed for this trip and all that, we couldn’t just go to a walk-in clinic cause we didn’t know what we needed and didn’t want to pay $200 for something we didn’t need! I only needed Hep A since I got Tetnus and Hep B in grade school…where as my Boyfriend needed Hep A and B and Tetnus…If we hadn’t gone to see this guy we would have both paid for Hep A and B and been out on cash!
OK so then she has this dumb look on her face and was like what do you need those shots for….side note: he’s had this trip booked off from work for almost 1 year already!...So he reminds her about his trip that is on her calendar for time off, and GUESS WHAT…she said...“What? Oh no you cancelled that trip, I took it of the calendar a long time ago”…haha IF ONLY….I wish he would slap this woman, cause she’s actually soo horrible at lying that it hurts, she is the MOST conniving boss ever!. So since he’s a nice guy he only says, “No, I don’t know why you would think that, it was never cancelled” EVEN though we were thinking of postponing it because of my school, my boyfriend didn’t say anything to anyone yet! And even if he had said anything, this strike is only in week 2 and we didn’t know it would last until recently, SO WHY would he tell her it was cancelled! Ok cause HE DIDN’T! And on top of that she said its been off the calendar for MONTHS….GRRR I hate this woman!
Alright so that’s the whole problem with his boss and getting 2 hours off work!...she’s always been like this…From giving him the same thing for Christmas every year (a bottle of whiskey, and he DOESN’T DRINK!)… To apparently not being able to hand him a check for vacation pay anytime before our last trip! All they had to do was write it and sign it…but they said they couldn’t….that’s REALLY professional! F-ERS! They do everything and anything to screw their employees over!!!
Oh man sorry, I got off topic….so then after we got to this appointment, and got through it and got the needles, which I hate!!!…we had to pay!....FUCK…lol…I’m practically poor myself, I’m a student, I don’t have a part time job, and I have car payments…SO $105 for a freaking appointment and shot broke my bank!...and then on top of that….since I put it on my visa along with my boyfriends, it cost us $230…ahhh ALL FOR SHOTS!!! And he has to go back for 2 more doses… that’s $120, plus the Dr’s fee….AHHH!! Thankfully I only have to get one more dose do its only $60…and I don’t have to get it for 6 months! Yesh! This trip better be worth it!
Monday, March 13, 2006
So I decided to add a few pictures of my doggy Paris's first litter of puppies. She had them last summer. She is now expecting her second litter mid April. I can't wait! They are a shih-tzu sheltie cross, longer nose, and longer legs than pure shih-tzus. Next litter we plan on breeding with a shih-tzu. But these guys were too cute not to have more!
I'll post pictures once shes had her puppies...and pictures of her and the daddy once I get them on this computer!
This is Taboo!

Taboo and Bala playing.
Bala my angel! She was our Halloween Mascot!

My lil Taboo again.

That's all...I miss those lil finks! I can't wait to have puppies around the house again!
I'll post pictures once shes had her puppies...and pictures of her and the daddy once I get them on this computer!
This is Taboo!

Taboo and Bala playing.

Bala my angel! She was our Halloween Mascot!

My lil Taboo again.

That's all...I miss those lil finks! I can't wait to have puppies around the house again!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
College Strike....{day 2}
So I've decided that I don't like this whole strike thing. All the colleges that I know of are on a faculty strike right now! I mean Ok, last semester I would have loved the idea, BUT this is my last year and they are trying to prolong it! PLUS we had a trip booked in April, and now it has to be cancelled!! That trip was going to be a blast, I mean CUBA with my boyfriends family, that woulda been wicked! Hopefully we will get to go in the fall…I guess we’ll see if we can all get out schedules to match again!
On another note, I’m BORED….I don’t have a job to take up my time, and I don’t have homework, since school is cancelled until further notice and we’ll be catching up when we get back. I could get a job, but I will only be able to work full time until MAYBE the 21st, then after that I can only swing one maybe two days for work….my homework schedule takes up most of my free time, and a job just doesn’t really work with my program! I guess we’ll see… Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do to make money and take up some of my free time?
So that’s all for today…I don’t have much more to say!