Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Why is it that I call people like her my friends?

I can’t believe I still talk to this girl!! I am SO fuming mad right now, NOTHING can change the feeling I had when this one person said what she said!!

I’ll explain! Yesterday I was working with a couple “friends” at school on a project…these are the same “friends” that ditched me and are rude to me on a daily basis…. SO all is good, then another friend showed up, he was coming to work on some things but had to leave early to go to his sister’s graduation. This got us chatting, because my little bro just graduated high school and is going to university next year. Basically the guy, we’ll call him, John, said something along the lines of….ohh he’s going to get some GOOD play, all those hot ladies are game for him!...OK let me tell you my brother has a very serious girlfriend that he would literally give the world to!...So I told John, no I don’t think so, he’s taken and he’s not that way. He basically said “naw, he’ll be having some ‘side’ fun.” Hardy har har har…I can joke, but then I turned to the girl I call my friend, and asked “you’ve met my brothers girlfriend; she’s so cute, he wouldn’t cheat on her, would he now?”….She FUCKING sat there, thought about it, and said “yeah, he prolly would”…WTF my brother would ditch his own MOTHER to hang out with his GF, he would drive her 4 hours to some soccer game turn around, come back, and drive back the next day to get her, he would even do the same for HER little brother, he LOVES her…and wouldn’t EVEN look at another chick!! That alone offended me…I mean sometimes my brother is annoying and sometimes he’s a prick…BUT fuck, a cheater he’s NOT, and DON’T Fucking say shit about him EVER again!

You think that’s all? NOPE…so that made me MAD….but I was willing to let that one fly. I asked her if she was crazy first tho and she replied, “All guys are cheaters” …NOW like I said I was willing to let my bro go, cause maybe he’s not going to stay with his GF they’re young, maybe things will change…I didn’t want to fight about him anymore….But ALL guys, I DIDN’T want to let that go, specially since her last BF was my fiancés brother! And I know for a freaking fact that he wouldn’t EVER have cheated on her! BUT I didn’t want to ask her about him, that wasn’t where I wanted to go with her in front of everyone else. SO I asked about the only guy I can actually vouch for….My Man!!! So I asked “Ok all guys are cheaters?…hahaha…what about MY man?” ….AGAIN she thought about it and said “yeah he would/will, just give him time”….OHH NO YOU FUCKING DIDN’T!?!?!...I could NOT believe my freaking ears! She called my fiancé a fucking cheater, and said if he didn’t, he would! Basically it’s inevitable!

WHORE! He wouldn’t EVER, we’re getting married, and how you DARE say shit about him and his faithfulness!!!! I didn’t know whether to cry, yell, or hurt her! Of course, I just sat there and went quiet…I wanted to say something…I was going to call her a whore to her face…BUT I’m not the type to be THAT rude…and by the time I thought of something REALLY perfect to say it was too late, the subject had changed! Now I’m sitting here across from her wanting to throw my whole computer at her and tell her how I feel about her and HER cheating ways. I mean OK she’s a cheater…her last BF, my fiancés brother, left her cause she had cheated like 7 times on him, BUT that’s NO excuse to freaking talk shit about other people. OK maybe she could have made a strong statement and then when I asked about my brother or my man she could have said “I can’t speak for them” that’s even better than making such a harsh accusation as to say THEY would and WILL cheat at some point! That’s NOT her place to judge!

OMG someone PLEASE agree with me here! I need some support on this issue…and MAYBE something good to say to her….cause I REALLY don’t want to just leave this alone, I want to say SOMETHING!

Thanks for listening!


At 2:23 PM , Blogger Beezaleez said...

Views about what she said about my man?? I HOPE not!
Everyone can have their opinion, thats not what I'm mad at...I'm mad that she SAID it without any second thought about someone she shouldnt be even talking about.
AND please DON'T admit to agreeing with her! thats horrible!

At 2:45 PM , Blogger RocksAndChairs said...

no i didn't really agree with what she said about your bf that's not what i meant


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