Thursday, September 21, 2006

My first work post. COOl!

SO….I’m sitting here in my ‘office’ on my lunch break…Does that make me an anti social?? I work in a division that’s pretty much closed off from everyone else….and the other two people that are here with me are ALSO sitting at their desks…so really I’m just going with the flow!! Ahh well…I’m new, I’ll venture to the café soon enough!

Today is pretty shitty…I’m tired from not being able to sleep! My man is STILL working 3-11 and so I go to bed alone and he gets home at like 12ish. I can’t really fall asleep easily alone, I have a tendency to wake up with EVERY little creak or crack….its ANNOYING….SO then I got up this morning and wasn’t feeling well, so I ended up leaving late. BUT I took a new route, so I got to work on time! BUT because I left late, I was upset and started a tiff with my man….it ended fine, because he knew it was because I was stressed.

And now…I’m STILL not feeling well…and a little upset! See let me explain…and PLEASE people…give me some advice here! My man eats relatively well….WHEN I COOK FOR HIM! His new job means that he’s on the road with another person, since he’s being trained…and these other people ALWAYS eat out. SO to start off my fancy healthy boxed lunches are no more for him, since he apparently HAS to eat out WITH these people. The guys that he works with are nice and usually buy him lunch since they know that he makes close to SHIT…so really money isn’t the issue here!

SO to explain a little more….He has two trainers….ONE we’ll call Dave! He likes to eat relatively healthy food like me….he took my man to delis to get REAL meat, and healthy things…BUT he was a womanizer!!! The type that yells out the car window at women walking by! And he was ALWAYS talking about other women to my man…he EVEN invited my man over one night to “meet some NICE ladies” WTF…he knows we’re engaged…WHY is he such a dink….I guess he doesn’t know me, so he doesn’t care. OK so that’s DAVE…my man hasn’t worked with him for a while though, cause he’s been working 3-11 on the same job with…we’ll call him Ian!...SO Ian…he’s a nice guy, “not the marriage type” guy…but a nice guy non the less….BUT he smokes and eats the bad food!! SO not only is my man stuck with his smoking, which I HATE, he eats shitty foods with this guy almost every day!

SO my question is….WHICH is better….the guy that eats the food that I “approve” of but is always going to bother me with the incessant setups and womanizing OR the guy that respects “ME” BUT is helping my man eat himself into a heart attack??????

I honestly can’t win! This is one of the ONLY reasons we fight….cause I want him to be healthy, and he’s not even trying. I want to give up and tell him “eat whatever you want” BUT that would be exactly what he would do!!


At 2:07 PM , Blogger Dawn said...

hmmmm, that's tough. It's hard to say cause I don't know your man, but to me he sounds like he wouldn't let anybody talk him into jeopardizing your relationship.

I tried the whole "pack a lunch so you don't have to eat out everyday thing" with my guy, but he always ended up bringing it home with him cause the group of them would decide to all go out. i just leave it alone now :)

hope you're feeling better soon.

At 12:49 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think "Ian" is the better bet. Would you rather your man be tempted with bad food, or with other women? Besides, I hate mysoginistc men, it's awful. My father was kind of like that. At least with Ian, your fiance can make CHOICES about his food. That should fall into your man's lap anyway, no matter who he's eating with. And I understand the sleeping alone thing, too. At LEAST yours comes home at some point. Mine is getting up at midnight to get ready for work, which is usually around the time I go to bed, so I'm by my lonesome all night. Boo-hoo for me. P.S. Thanks for the compliments about my kitty!


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