Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
A Day late but better late than NEVER! :)
1. I finished my last final exam today...I hate exams! Infact I LOATH them...And I wish I didn't have one more semester to deal with!
2. I wish I was married right now.
3. I wish I was done school, so I could get a job, so we could have more money, so we could have babies!
4. I really love wine! I could go for a HUGE glass of ice cold white wine!
5. Tonight I am babysitting the 3 puppies and mommy. Mostly they just sleep...but they are still fun!
6. I am going away on sunday for a week!! And am VERY glad things worked out the way I was hoping they would!
7. I have a canker! I get cankers when I get stressed....its weird how my body does that. One time I had a canker the size of a dime!! It was painful!
8. I still wish my friend would end the drama....its getting OLD!
9. Having Paris and the puppies here makes me want a pet even more! It makes me sad that I cant have a pet for a while!
10. My Fiance wont make me dinner tonight. We're both too lazy...Its friday at 10 pm and neither of us has eatten anything. Just snacks!
11. I need to make some new CD's for our drive. And today I heard a song I REALLY like but I didnt catch the name of it! I HATE when that happens to me, cause I can NEVER remember the words or the tune when I want to ask someone.
12. Right now we're watching Star Trek: Enterprise...I dont really like it!
13. I Am VERY excited to get to spend lots of time with our nephew!!!! We're babysitting him everyday we can while visiting home!! Yay!!
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Here are a few pics of the cutie pies!! To update you, they now all have their eyes open and are starting to get really active. And are about 2 1/2 weeks old. Yesterday when my rents woke up they said that they found the puppies in the middle of the room sleeping...thats only 6 feet from their little baby bed...but its far when you are only 6 inches long and dont really walk! So we have Prince, who is going to be going to Edmonton. Then we have Kewi, who will be going to a family member...pending a husbands approval lol. Then we have Milo...I named him since no one has picked him. He's the slowest one, he's a little fatty and opened his eyes last! Thats my little man alright! BUT in the last litter, we had 2 girls and the fatty of that litter turned out to be the smaller dog....so we'll see maybe he wont grow too much! SO here are the pics!!...
First we have mama....shes being good, but is keeping a CLOSE
eye on her babies!
Then we have the tower of babies! lol in some guys stinky slippers!who else agrees they look more like passed out puppies than sleeping puppies??
I could eat these guys up! They are SO adorable!

Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
1. Spring seems to be break-up time….or the time when people get restless and bored! I thank god for the security I have in my relationship!!
2. I can’t wait to get married.
3. I wish the drama would end for my friend and her boyfriend. I’m getting sick of the break-ups!
4. I have a slight dislike for cheaters….lol!
5. I miss my family….I’m only 45 mins away but still don’t feel like I see everyone there.
6. I wish there was a Tuesday 12…so that I could write this earlier in the week when I think of things!
7. I am very sad lately….which is weird for me…BUT I just feel like nothing is going my way!
8. I wish I was in Cuba right now….like I was supposed to be!
9. I want a dog or a cat! I miss my pets! And HATE living where I can’t have one!
10. I can’t…AND I MEAN CAN’T…wait to be done school!!!!
11. I don’t know who’s going to be in the rest of my wedding party….it seems like no one really wants to. I feel like I stepped up to the plate for my friends wedding…and am waiting to see if I get the same! I really don’t think I will.
12. I really hate Mullets….they look HORRIBLE!!! lol on ANYONE!!
13. My Fiancé had a mullet when he was a kid….haha I couldn’t even pretend not to laugh at that picture! It was TOO funny!!!!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens! RocksandChairs |
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Praise…what does this mean to you?
There are three simple means and examples of what praise means…and basically what it means to me…
An expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work"
Offering words of homage as an act of worship; "they sang a hymn of praise to God"
Express approval of; "The parents praised their children for their academic performance"
Lately I’ve been having a real problem with praise…NOT giving it, but getting it. In all aspects of my life.
In school, I am a hard worker, and have never really received praise for my work. I mean I was always smart…not always A+ but smart none the less…. And because of that I never really got a lot of attention from my rents when I did do well on things….they kind of figured cause I always did well it was normal. I have an older brother that was a typical guy in school, it was hard to get him to pay attention, so then when he did well he got praise for it. It didn’t make me jealous or anything and my rents do give me attention when I do well now…BUT not as much as I would like.
When it comes to friends, I feel like I do a lot for people and I try to make everyone happy…and it goes to waste a lot of the time, or maybe not to waste per say but I don’t hear about it! Since I like to talk a lot, and listen to people talk, I get to hear about all their other friends and I wonder if they say the same things about me to them (their friends). It’s always been a question I asked myself. Am I appreciated? BUT…That’s kinda another topic; we’re talking about praise today! So with friends I get to hear about all those other people, and then its funny that sometimes when I am with a group I hear a lot of “ohh thanks so much….you’re so great…I love that about you” ..It’s not so much that I’m jealous it’s just that it’s not about me so it makes me sad. I am not asking to be glorified! That’s not what I mean…I just want some thanks or nice comments once in a while. It’s not just ONE friend it’s mostly ALL of them. When people do talk about me to my face it’s usually the bad things. I get to hear about how people think I will be in 10 years…which is married with kids and ignoring all my friends….that’s a hard thing for anyone to hear…FOR ME its ten fold, I can take when someone says something bad to me that I can change or something I’ve done wrong, I might get upset, BUT I do make a conscious decision to change that about myself. BUT things like the fact that my friends don’t think I’ll pay much attention to them, or that once I get married I’ll diss them, or that I wont come visit them, or that I’ll move away and forget them…that hurts…its nothing I can change, it’s horrible that people think that of me and think I will turn out like that…NOT that I would, I love my friends, they help me stay sane…BUT why are all of them being so harsh to me?
In high school I was a push over…I put everyone before myself! It used to make some people mad. And I had to hear about it all the time. Then I had a good friend that taught me to stand up for myself…mind you, she used the tough love approach, but in the end I realized what I had been doing. It was a good thing, and I appreciated it. BUT now that I do think about myself a bit I get in trouble for it…and people assume that I’m a selfish person that’s not going to be there for them in a couple of years! What’s that about?…its like catch 22…When am I going to do things right for other people to be happy with? I don’t want to loose any of my friends, and wouldn’t ever want to do anything to hurt them!!
There was really only one person that I tell my true feelings to, and that I tell how I feel about things to. And I realized that I don’t really even have that anymore. I really work hard at the friendships I have, I’m at school though and its tough to make time for everything…I basically take any free time I have to go home and see my one friend, and where as it’s a BIG thing for me and I get mega happy that I get to see them, they just don’t seem to care! I know they do…BUT I never get praise for doing it…I just get to hear about how other people are doing so well and how great they are.
I have a few other things that are bothering me, about certain things. BUT they won’t get mentioned in here…there isn’t a point really…its just going to fall on deaf ears.
I might just go back to letting people walk all over me and try to work friendships that way. It worked better then, at least I got praise for always being there and never complaining. I wish I had someone to really talk to about this…ha-ha but who really listens to me anyways…. My man does, but that’s different! It’s never going to be like girl talk! Plus he’s got his own problems…so I don’t like bugging him with mine!
I’m OUT…sorry I talked too much!!
Apparently I take too long to write posts…so here I am updating everyone!!
Paris my doggie did in fact have her puppies, about 2 weeks ago…I don’t have pics yet because I am a loser and forgot my camera at home when I went to visit! I will be going home tomorrow so I will get pics then! To fill you in, she had 3 baby boys. All tri colour, but they are all basically black with brown cheeks and white feet and some spots! They are adorable! And it’s funny because they came as small medium large….one is kind of tiny, then there is the middle one, and then there is a fatty! But all three are growing at a fast pace! I can’t wait till they can walk and play because that’s when they get REALLY cute!
SO that’s that...other than that not much has happened, I had a nice birthday weekend. Went to the Sault with my Fiancé for Easter to visit his family, and had a good time! We didn’t do much but it was his nephews first birthday so we had a party on Friday for him…then just spent some quality family time with everyone! It’s my fiancés birthday tomorrow so we’re going home for a family dinner at my parents place for that…should be good fun!!
I don’t know much more to write… I have finals these next two weeks so I am stressing about that and swamped! I am doing well in everything except one class…I am getting a C….I can’t have a C….I DON’T DO ‘C’s’ it’s just not my thing! SO I am freaking out about that, and trying really hard to get my final project perfect!! I have one other pending mark….but I have to wait to see how I did on the last project to see how hard I need to work. I felt good about the project BUT it’s a tough one to judge…and it was a new program we used so I could have fucked it up totally!! I can’t wait to find out that mark! I will let you guys know! lol
I do have a good post to write about some things that I’ve been thinking about lately…so maybe I’ll take the time to write that tomorrow!! Its too long to add to this post tho…so you’ll have to wait!
Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
1. I have always wanted my own Thursday Thirteen but didn't know how to make it! I guess the link at the bottom might have been a clue!!! :)
2. I LOVE sour cream...If I can have it on something I have LOADS of it!
3. My favourite colour is BLUE! Right now my room is Blue...and I love it!
4. When I lived at home my mom wouldnt let me paint my room blue, cause it was a boys colour! So my room was Yellow! Cause I wasnt girly enough to paint it pink.
5. I wish it was summer so I could retreat to my Cottage!
6. I used to HATE going to the cottage, but now I can understand why its nice to get away from the City...even if its just for a weekend!
7. I JUST got Engaged.... :)
8. I can't decide who to put in my wedding party....Its a really hard decision to make! I wish someone would make it for me.
9. I secretly let people make decisions for me. One friend knows this... No one else does!
10. I love the show Girlfriends. Its my replacement for Sex and The City!
11. I wish I was thinner!
12. I want to have children....NOW!
13. I love things like this!!!
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RocksandChairs |
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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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So its Tuesday and I'm only JUST getting back into the swing of things after this past weekend!It was one of the best weekends EVER! And wont be topped for a while! I'll fill ya in....First on Friday night we went to go see Blue Man Group! AWSOME! It was a wicked show, interactive, loud, funny, it was more than I thought it would be! I'm so glad we went, AND I cant wait to go again!....I have 2 weeks off when I'm finished my semester and I am going to try to talk my best friend into going one of those weekend days! She'd LOVE IT! And plus I know she wants to see it anyways!! Then it was saturday, I was sooo tired, but on a high anyways since my boyfriends family was here and I was having a good time. We went shopping...I spent most of the day with my boyfriends sister, her husband and their son Danny, who's 1 on April 13th...so he's at that ohh so cute, giggling and trying to walk and talk age! I never even thought about the fact that my boyfriend kept ditching me...lol I didnt mind tho, we live together and I just figured he wanted to spend some time with his dad. SOO then after we were done shopping, we went home and got ready to go out to dinner. It was a family dinner...both my brothers came, the younger with his girlfriend, my mom and dad...and then my boyfriends family! So with everyone there was 14 people...a nice dinner crowd! We went to a nice Italian place in Brampton...good food! BUT my BIG NEWS!!!!...... When we had finished dinner, my friend and I went to go to the bathroom ( this is my friend thats dating my boyfriends brother )...sooo we were coming back from the bathroom talking about clothes...lol we're girls!... I went to go sit down and my boyfriend was just getting up, I went to go say something and he took my hand and said my name...lol I was like ahhahah thats not nice, since it was april fools day and everyone was already making lil trick jokes all night (ok more me than anyone, and given the night no one was really laughing at them but me)...soo then I tried to sit down cause I knew his dad would laugh at me for years if I thought he was proposing and he was only joking! BUT then when I went to sit down I looked at my friend to be like ohh come on but she was like nooo stand up....so I kinda turned back, and he took both my hands, this is when I noticed he was shaking....THENN he said my name and then "hunnie, you know I love you, and wouldnt want to spend my life with anyone other thank you...." there was way more, BUT he had me crying at hunnie....so I didnt hear much between that and "WILL YOU MARRY ME"..........AHHHHHHHHHHHH ....lol apparently he didnt even finish saying Marry Me? and I was blurting out yes....SO Now i'm engaged! my ring is beautiful...I always loved the 3 stone rings and he really liked the solitaires....SO he went and got one made, its one large solitaire, with 2 smaller diamonds on each side that are sortof set into the band!...and since he picked out the most beauitful diamonds IT SPARKLES SOOO MUCH!!!! hehe sorry I'm still soo excited here! SO then we finished dessert....not me since most of the time I was crying and still jumping around....I found out that he went to ask my fathers permission, and EVEN called my older brother to talk to him and get his blessing. It was soo sweet! I wasnt even expecting anything, we had talked about it alot, but he always said that he wouldnt even go to talk to my father until I was finished school...BUT since his family was here and he didnt know when everyone would be back together, he decided that there was no better time! AND he was right...I was surprised, and he won MAJOR brownie points from everyone for doing it infront of the two families! Especially my mom, she was soo happy to be there, and be able to see it and be a part of it ( she sat beside him and was holding the ring the whole dinner :) and got to hand it to him when he got down on one knee) hehehe omg still cant believe I'm engaged!!!!As soon as I got home I got to call my best friend, hehe I couldnt wait to tell her, she was happy for me! Its kinda weird that we're all growing up...I guess it'll hit me sometime soon that I'm getting married!! OHHH I can't wait to start planning things!!! :DSo then on sunday I went to my close friend surprise bridal shower....Myself and 2 of her other close old friends, who are her 3 bridesmaids, threw it for her. It went perfectly! And so not to take away from her day, after she had opened her presents, I told her about my good news! She was soo happy for me and told her mom, who is SUCH a sweetie, and her mom made a huge announcement...lol I'm kinda shy and I didnt know alot of my friends work buddies...so I got all red and was like ohh thanks....hehe BUT they wernt having it, they asked how and all that and then they asked WHEN is the big day! haha I was like he JUST proposed last night...so We hadnt really gotten time to pick some sort of time. Well we kinda mentioned some dates, BUT they are all over the place. SO that was MY weekend....want to top it?!?! Just kiddin! It was MY perfect weekend! Thanks for listening!