Love Is A Choice You Make From Moment To Moment.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
So I hope that she is happy with the colour I have chosen for MY blog now!
I was trying to make it so that my wedding ticker was very it fades away a bit into the dark blue background...BUT as long as you're happy, I'm happy!!
Friday, May 26, 2006
WE set a date! Not that any of you are REALLY following our wedding…BUT I’m going to tell you anyways. We set the day!!!!! May 20th 2007. OMG less than a year away! It’s SO exciting! My mom went and checked things out and set things up and it all sounds perfect! Its funny too, cause when we were looking at places, I kept saying that I wanted to have chair covers because so many of those places have UGLY chairs…BUT my mom reminded me that we would save a lot by NOT having them, so I dropped it. Who really looks at the chairs anyways? BUT lol then my mom went and booked our place and decided on chair covers AND extra long floor length table covers…hehe just so you can’t see those table legs! SO I don’t know why she made such a big deal about it before and now she’s going with it…I think she’s really having fun with this wedding planning, and wants it all to look perfect!! Lol I’m not at ALL complaining about that! I love my mom, and LOVE all that she’s doing and going to be doing for our wedding! Thanks Mommy! This weekend we’re going to meet a potential officiant, my Maid of Honour is coming with me and my mom and I’m really happy about that…If she’s up to it we might even go over to our location and check out a wedding they have, to see what it will look like all set up! We’ll see tho!
On another note, if anyone here is following the Hockey games….WTF were they THINKING??? I mean really…WHO switches their goalie IN THE FINALS….or whatever you call these games before the final playoffs. I was born in and lived in Edmonton until I was 11, those are MY BOYS. I am counting on them! They are the LAST Canadian team in the running and CAN’T let us down! STOP FUCKING UP!! And learn how to be a better coach!! GAWD!!
That’s it that’s all!
WE set a date! Not that any of you are REALLY following our wedding…BUT I’m going to tell you anyways. We set the day!!!!! May 20th 2007. OMG less than a year away! It’s SO exciting! My mom went and checked things out and set things up and it all sounds perfect! Its funny too, cause when we were looking at places, I kept saying that I wanted to have chair covers because so many of those places have UGLY chairs…BUT my mom reminded me that we would save a lot by NOT having them, so I dropped it. Who really looks at the chairs anyways? BUT lol then my mom went and booked our place and decided on chair covers AND extra long floor length table covers…hehe just so you can’t see those table legs! SO I don’t know why she made such a big deal about it before and now she’s going with it…I think she’s really having fun with this wedding planning, and wants it all to look perfect!! Lol I’m not at ALL complaining about that! I love my mom, and LOVE all that she’s doing and going to be doing for our wedding! Thanks Mommy! This weekend we’re going to meet a potential officiant, my Maid of Honour is coming with me and my mom and I’m really happy about that…If she’s up to it we might even go over to our location and check out a wedding they have, to see what it will look like all set up! We’ll see tho!
On another note, if anyone here is following the Hockey games….WTF were they THINKING??? I mean really…WHO switches their goalie IN THE FINALS….or whatever you call these games before the final playoffs. I was born in and lived in Edmonton until I was 11, those are MY BOYS. I am counting on them! They are the LAST Canadian team in the running and CAN’T let us down! STOP FUCKING UP!! And learn how to be a better coach!! GAWD!!
That’s it that’s all!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
A post about nothing, but everything at the same time! Exciting isn’t it??
Not really!! But pretend for me! Ok?
My long weekend, in a nutshell! My man was sick, so we waited until Saturday morning to head to the cottage. It was actually the best thing we could have done, because the usual 2 and a half hour drive only took 1 and a half, and there was NO traffic! And we got to sleep in our own warm cozy bed! But then when we got there it was so cold and raining most of the time. We lasted one night, and then came home. It was Sunday morning so we actually had a lot of extra time to do things. We got laundry done AND got to watch 3 movies I’ve wanted to see. Well OK not really wanting to see, but ones that I was interested in seeing! They were The Ringer, Aeon Flux and Fun with Dick and Jane….all good movies. I was most impressed with Aeon Flux, it was well done. NOT to par with The Matrix, BUT in that Genre!
Anyways so that’s my weekend in a nutshell…My week however has been more eventful! Basically as I stated before my two NINCOMPOOP friends aren’t being that great to me. Yesterday was the worst. I managed to be ditched for a ride, and then when I got to the place I was ditched again. Then I was BASICALLY told to get lost. They are both really nice so they didn’t really say GET LOST, but I was supposed to be meeting them to work on a project after we went to this place. BUT when we went to leave the one person said to me...We have to go somewhere so we’ll meet you back there, call my cell when your back… WTF we’re working on a group project, WHAT the HELL am I going to do while you two go off and SHOP!?? So I basically said I would follow and wait, since I don’t have anywhere else to be, that was fine with them, BUT when we got back to school they went into a different parking lot and disappeared for 15 mins. I called their cells BUT nothing! Then one of them called me to ask WHERE I WAS??! Seriously what is wrong with ME that I am being treated like this?? NOTHING…I am nice to both of them. Then in class I was trying to offer my help with something and the one person basically ignored me and said they were going to work on it later instead! Honestly…I’m starting to get MAD here, I want to say something! And right now they are chatting and sitting with their backs to me….And I thought last week was bad!
I wrote the second part in RED cause red is a mad colour, and I am MAD! I wont be doing a Thursday Thirteen either, cause I don't have too much more to say. Next week I will because we are going to be getting a few wedding things in I will update everyone about that...and also more about how these two jerks are acting!!
Bye For Now!
Not really!! But pretend for me! Ok?
My long weekend, in a nutshell! My man was sick, so we waited until Saturday morning to head to the cottage. It was actually the best thing we could have done, because the usual 2 and a half hour drive only took 1 and a half, and there was NO traffic! And we got to sleep in our own warm cozy bed! But then when we got there it was so cold and raining most of the time. We lasted one night, and then came home. It was Sunday morning so we actually had a lot of extra time to do things. We got laundry done AND got to watch 3 movies I’ve wanted to see. Well OK not really wanting to see, but ones that I was interested in seeing! They were The Ringer, Aeon Flux and Fun with Dick and Jane….all good movies. I was most impressed with Aeon Flux, it was well done. NOT to par with The Matrix, BUT in that Genre!
Anyways so that’s my weekend in a nutshell…My week however has been more eventful! Basically as I stated before my two NINCOMPOOP friends aren’t being that great to me. Yesterday was the worst. I managed to be ditched for a ride, and then when I got to the place I was ditched again. Then I was BASICALLY told to get lost. They are both really nice so they didn’t really say GET LOST, but I was supposed to be meeting them to work on a project after we went to this place. BUT when we went to leave the one person said to me...We have to go somewhere so we’ll meet you back there, call my cell when your back… WTF we’re working on a group project, WHAT the HELL am I going to do while you two go off and SHOP!?? So I basically said I would follow and wait, since I don’t have anywhere else to be, that was fine with them, BUT when we got back to school they went into a different parking lot and disappeared for 15 mins. I called their cells BUT nothing! Then one of them called me to ask WHERE I WAS??! Seriously what is wrong with ME that I am being treated like this?? NOTHING…I am nice to both of them. Then in class I was trying to offer my help with something and the one person basically ignored me and said they were going to work on it later instead! Honestly…I’m starting to get MAD here, I want to say something! And right now they are chatting and sitting with their backs to me….And I thought last week was bad!
I wrote the second part in RED cause red is a mad colour, and I am MAD! I wont be doing a Thursday Thirteen either, cause I don't have too much more to say. Next week I will because we are going to be getting a few wedding things in I will update everyone about that...and also more about how these two jerks are acting!!
Bye For Now!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
No Thursday Thirteen FOR YOU!
I just don’t seem to have the energy to write a Thursday Thirteen! So I thought I would just give you a little update.
I am back at school and it’s already crappy…I started the official countdown today! Now let me tell you, I usually at least hold off till the 8th week for that! BUT this one started on the 4th day! SO the countdown is at 13 weeks left! Lol…who thinks I might crack before getting there?? It started today cause I basically am having a hard time with my 2 class friends….its a LONG story why we’re not on the BEST of terms, but basically they both didn’t show up to class! I mean I wouldn’t have cared, BUT these are the two people that I spend every minute at school with! We save seats for each other, take notes for each other, even help with each others homework! SO for NEITHER of those heffers to write me a MSN message saying that they WOULDN’T be showing up to class was MORE than RUDE!! And then when I msged one of them to ask what was up and why they weren’t there, they said “oh yeah I’m not coming, and neither is -----” SERIOUSLY!? Ok fine….I dropped it, wrote my notes and left! Then they showed up for the afternoon class…AND one of them had the audacity to say “oh yeah I totally forgot to msg you, I didn’t even think to say something” That was really just like putting the cherry on top of the sundae that is our friendships!!!! Thanks guys! Thanks A LOT!!! I like where this is all going! TO THE POOPER!!!
Ohh well….like I said 13 weeks and DONE LIKE DINNAH!!!! 3 months basically! I can handle that! Everyone pray for me that it gets better with those two nincompoops tho! I’m over it now, I just wanted to share my day with everyone! lol
SO, That’s it that’s all….Off to the cottage for the long weekend!! Here’s to good drinks, good food and NO BUGS! Oh and NO RAIN!
I just don’t seem to have the energy to write a Thursday Thirteen! So I thought I would just give you a little update.
I am back at school and it’s already crappy…I started the official countdown today! Now let me tell you, I usually at least hold off till the 8th week for that! BUT this one started on the 4th day! SO the countdown is at 13 weeks left! Lol…who thinks I might crack before getting there?? It started today cause I basically am having a hard time with my 2 class friends….its a LONG story why we’re not on the BEST of terms, but basically they both didn’t show up to class! I mean I wouldn’t have cared, BUT these are the two people that I spend every minute at school with! We save seats for each other, take notes for each other, even help with each others homework! SO for NEITHER of those heffers to write me a MSN message saying that they WOULDN’T be showing up to class was MORE than RUDE!! And then when I msged one of them to ask what was up and why they weren’t there, they said “oh yeah I’m not coming, and neither is -----” SERIOUSLY!? Ok fine….I dropped it, wrote my notes and left! Then they showed up for the afternoon class…AND one of them had the audacity to say “oh yeah I totally forgot to msg you, I didn’t even think to say something” That was really just like putting the cherry on top of the sundae that is our friendships!!!! Thanks guys! Thanks A LOT!!! I like where this is all going! TO THE POOPER!!!
Ohh well….like I said 13 weeks and DONE LIKE DINNAH!!!! 3 months basically! I can handle that! Everyone pray for me that it gets better with those two nincompoops tho! I’m over it now, I just wanted to share my day with everyone! lol
SO, That’s it that’s all….Off to the cottage for the long weekend!! Here’s to good drinks, good food and NO BUGS! Oh and NO RAIN!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Here is an Update on my babies! They even pose for pictures!! They are 5 and a half weeks old!
Milo and Princeton and my beautiful feet! lol
(Milos the panting one...hes chubby and wore himself out playing!)
Milo! Or as I refer to him...Milo-Milo-My Love! :) ( Notice how he takes over my WHOLE hand...and weights a
Here is my Lil Baby Princeton! He's the runt and the cutest! (Notice how he FITS in my hand!)This is Kewi! He's kinda camera shy. I love this guy tho!!
My Milo again, he's such a camera whore!!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
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Thirteen Things about Beezaleez
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
An Update for ALL my avid readers!!....OK, for the 2 people that actually come here!!
I was away for a week, so that’s the reason for my absence. My Fiancé and I went to visit his family. It was good fun! We got to baby sit his nephew Monday to Friday! It was really nice to actually get to bond with him, since we’re so far away. And Bond I did! By the end of the week he was reaching for me as soon as I walked into the room, and making googly eyes at me! I loved it. Plus he just turned one so he’s at that crawling and trying to talk age so he was a blast! We wiggle wiggled and Roule Rouled…good times were had.
Other than that our week was generally just family time…we did go out and have a few drinks, and go sing some karaoke…BUT I did NOT sing…lol I have to be REALLY drunk to do that!
That was that week! Now onto this week!
Monday my mom and I went to look at places for the reception, and Tuesday we went to look at dresses! It was really fun to be spending that time with my mom. Especially when I was trying on dresses….she was really cute!! We think we’ve narrowed it down to a date, but we still want to go see one place so after we see that place we’ll pick out of all the places. I really want this one place, it’s a golf and country club that’s GORGEOUS... but it’s not really close to any hotels. And since most of the guests are out-of-towners, it’s not really fare to do that! I have a few other favourites, and so does my man….BUT the last place we’re looking at is an outdoor wedding place. It’s a couple that has 10 acres that are all set up with gardens and trees for outdoor weddings…BUT if we go with that place our date has to change, since we want May and May might not be warm enough for an outdoor wedding. But we’ll see…I think we’re leaning more towards a place in town, since it will be more convenient for everyone!
I went home a few times to see the puppies, and OMG soooo cute! They are all really fluffy and really active. I miss them so much, since last litter I was home because school was out. I wish I was there now…OR wait, I wish I just lived closer so that I could go see them more! I miss little Kiwi, Princeton and Milo! Lol they are all odd, so the odd names match! Milo is hilarious he’s HUGE….Princeton is the smallest and Milo has to be ATLEAST 2 times the size of him. They don’t look like brothers! But that just makes him cool! SO I love him! Lol
So that was my life while I was away…I am back at school on Monday, AHHHHH….BUT only this semester left, THEN DONE! OMG I can’t wait!
I was away for a week, so that’s the reason for my absence. My Fiancé and I went to visit his family. It was good fun! We got to baby sit his nephew Monday to Friday! It was really nice to actually get to bond with him, since we’re so far away. And Bond I did! By the end of the week he was reaching for me as soon as I walked into the room, and making googly eyes at me! I loved it. Plus he just turned one so he’s at that crawling and trying to talk age so he was a blast! We wiggle wiggled and Roule Rouled…good times were had.
Other than that our week was generally just family time…we did go out and have a few drinks, and go sing some karaoke…BUT I did NOT sing…lol I have to be REALLY drunk to do that!
That was that week! Now onto this week!
Monday my mom and I went to look at places for the reception, and Tuesday we went to look at dresses! It was really fun to be spending that time with my mom. Especially when I was trying on dresses….she was really cute!! We think we’ve narrowed it down to a date, but we still want to go see one place so after we see that place we’ll pick out of all the places. I really want this one place, it’s a golf and country club that’s GORGEOUS... but it’s not really close to any hotels. And since most of the guests are out-of-towners, it’s not really fare to do that! I have a few other favourites, and so does my man….BUT the last place we’re looking at is an outdoor wedding place. It’s a couple that has 10 acres that are all set up with gardens and trees for outdoor weddings…BUT if we go with that place our date has to change, since we want May and May might not be warm enough for an outdoor wedding. But we’ll see…I think we’re leaning more towards a place in town, since it will be more convenient for everyone!
I went home a few times to see the puppies, and OMG soooo cute! They are all really fluffy and really active. I miss them so much, since last litter I was home because school was out. I wish I was there now…OR wait, I wish I just lived closer so that I could go see them more! I miss little Kiwi, Princeton and Milo! Lol they are all odd, so the odd names match! Milo is hilarious he’s HUGE….Princeton is the smallest and Milo has to be ATLEAST 2 times the size of him. They don’t look like brothers! But that just makes him cool! SO I love him! Lol
So that was my life while I was away…I am back at school on Monday, AHHHHH….BUT only this semester left, THEN DONE! OMG I can’t wait!